Ancient Aliens is the worst show ever and shouldn’t be on tv
A great debunking of the terrible show Ancient Aliens, taking apart each moronic claim by the so called “experts”.
A tiny yet wonderful Rube Goldberg Machine
A rube goldberg machine is a machine that is over-engineered on purpose to perform a simple task in possibly the most complicated way possible, here’s a simple wee one to get a bearing to...
Another world into remade into a film
The 90’s game Another World was one of the greatest pc games ever, I remember playing it on my old 386 pc, my mate had it on the Megadrive / Genesis. It was such...
Flea plays the American National Anthem
He’s not quite Hendrix at Woodstock, but still he’s a close second. Rock that bass flea! Bonus video, here’s the Chili Peppers first ever appearance on TV. They were so young.